These are some of the projects I have developed or collaborated on as part of a group of developers. Some of these applications are interesting course projects, personal developments, and professional software developed in a wide-variety of technologies and languages.
Software Projects
Bon Voyage Assistant
Alexa Travel Assistant
Winner of 2nd place at HackArizona 6.0 American Airlines challenge, this Alexa-based application was designed to streamline and simplify the trip-planning process. Leverages AWS & various APIs to provide a full-cost analysis and recommendations based on the users preferences!
Alexa, AWS Lambda, S3, Python, Yelp API, Flight Engine API
Rebrandly Slack Bot
Serverless Rebrandly Bot
Slack App developed to provide your Slack workspace with a Bot who is desgined and configured to process custom requests to the Rebrandly API (URL Shortener). Developed using AWS Lambda for serverless computing & integrates the Rebrandly API.
Python, AWS Lambda, Rebrandly API
IoT Device Simulator
Cloud-based Web Application
Cloud-serviced web application aimed to simulate the management and utilization of Internet-of-Things devices using Python/HTML, CGI Interface, AWS, and a MySQL Database.
Python, HTML, MySQL, Apache Webserver, Amazon EC2
Astronauts vs. Aliens
Tower Defense Game
Linear Tower Defense game developed using Java's GUI library, JavaFX. Game design mimics the play style of the popular Plants. vs Zombies franchise and includes features such as different maps, varying game modes, custom sprite animations, and in-game music!
Java, JavaFX
Huffman Coding
Data Compression
Python program developed to implement the Huffman Coding data compression algorithm. Constructs the decoding tree used to decode any binary sequence input into the program.
Slack Bot
Automated Assignment Organization
I wanted to create a simple utilty for active Slack users wishing to automate their Academic organization through simple interfacing with the Slack Bot to add assignments/exams and setup reminders to make sure the user stays on top of their due dates!
Python, PostgerSQL, Slack API
Go Fish
Command line GUI Application
Interactive, two-player, Go Fish game written in C. Makes use of dynamic memory management, multi-level pointers, and ASCII art to implement the game logic of Go Fish.
iOS Applications
To Do List
Elegant app that allows users to personalize the organization of tasks into colorful categories. Integrates the Chameleon framework to customize the user experience by adding gradient effects and actively contrasting text.
Swift 4, Chameleion, Realm Database
Virtual Ruler
This project was my introduction into Apple's ARKit and utilizes 3D plane detection and distance calculation to virtualize a digital ruler. User can select any two points within the augmented environment and the app will measure and display the distance between those points.
Swift 4, ARKit
Augmented Reality Portal
This app extends the usage of the ARKit framework to create a virtual portal, on demand, that the user can physically walk into and explore the contents inside. The portal was created using the Scene Kit to render the structure and textures of the portal, which currently is a simplistic cube, but the possibilities are endless to extend the build and contents of this portal.
Swift 4, ARKit
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe was my first mobile application that I developed and served as my introduction into the Model View Controller design structure. This application also integrates UIAlerts and player customizations to play an interactive game of Tic Tac Toe. Future updates will include AI opponent with multi-tiered difficulty as well as a 'Best-of' series mode.
Swift 4
Digital Systems
Seven Segment Decoder
Digital Logic
Digital circuit design developed to decode counter values each clock cycle and convert them into their seven-segment equivalent.
Verilog, Artix-7 FPGA Board, Xilinx Vivado Suite
32-Bit Single Cycle Processor
Digital Logic
32-bit processor with a modified datapath and controller designed to support various operations ranging from simple arithmetic to bit-shifts and rotations.
Verilog, Artix-7 FPGA Board, Xilinx Vivado Suite